Blog Post

BigBlueButton Web-conferencing Tool Integration

Blog Image We are very pleased to announce that SimpleVLE has just completed an initial integration of the open-source web-conferencing/learning tool - BigBlueButton. Our premium members now have access to the most comprehensive open source web-conferencing tools available. Most, if not all other e-learning sites only offer the service to its enterprise members and most LMS systems like Moodle require you to install Bigbluebutton on a server of your liking. We provide an extremely user-friendly BigBlueButton integration at no additional cost outside of our normal membership fee.

What exactly is BigBlueButton? BigBlueButton is an amazing tool that provides real-time sharing of audio, video, slides, chat, and desktop. Built-in polling makes it easy to engage students and recording your lectures means that you can make them available for later review. When using the whiteboard tool in BigBlueButton, annotations are automatically displayed back to the students in real-time. Presenters also have the ability to zoom, highlight, draw and write on presentations making your points clearer to remote students. There is no limit on the number of webcams you can share in a session (only limited by bandwidth).

BigBlueButton is open source, and the tool's community of developers are still very active in its continuous development. They are making significant improvements on a daily basis. While the current iteration requires Flash, there is an HTML5 client in development that appears to be extremely promising, especially for mobile users. Currently, the meeting presenter must use the Flash version to create a meeting. However, we do provide the meeting attendees the ability to choose between the HTML5 client and the Flash version. For more information about BigBlueButton, check out the website. For more information about our specific integration, contact us here or if you are a member, you may contact us by phone.


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This is not available for free accounts?

  • 2063 days ago