Blog Post

Certificate Designer

Blog Image Check out our new certificate designer along with some of our awesome templates. Our templates are completely editable so you can change anything you wish. Upload images or logos for example. You can upload new text or change the existing text.

You can upload existing images of your signature or use our simple signature creator to create a signature and add it to your certificates

Once the certificate is created, you can award it directly to your students or you can setup automation with triggers and/or passing criteria. For example, you can set a certificate to be awarded to everyone in your class that has a passing grade at the end of the semester.

All users can design as many certificates as they want. They can also award as many as they want for the first month. However, if you want to take full advantage of this awesome feature without any limitations, join SimpleVLE for just $9.95 per month.





Do this site have an API?

  • 1216 days ago


There is an API, for awarding certificates. More information to come...

  • 823 days ago